Region Linking Country level fieldformat Text rectangle links Areas Of Natural Beauty Within easy reach of Leeds are many areas of outstanding natural beauty: the Yorkshire Dales, the North York Moors and the Vale of York... -- Script link a Page advance "Wharfedale" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Wharfedale Frame Frame Frame :PHYSSIZE Country Wharfedale Frame :PHYSSIZE Frame Frame A View Of Wharfedale From Beamsley Beacon fieldformat Text rectangle level Linking level fieldformat Text rectangle links nextpage Link IDC LINKING TO OTHER DOCUMENTS AND APPLICATIONS It is possible for a button or active text to either launch another Windows application or to enter another document that has been produced using IDC. In this latter case Quitting the second document will cause a return to the page of the first document from which the second document was called. This enables several documents to be linked together in a unified system.... --Template activating a Popup "asynchronous" "$Shared$" showPopup buttonUp buttonUp asynchronous $Shared$ showPopup --Template activating a Popup "MCQ Bank" "$Shared$" showPopup buttonUp buttonUp MCQ Bank $Shared$ showPopup Link IDC level fieldformat Text rectangle links morepage $Iexample:\example.tbk nextpage Windows Linking A Document Produced With IDC Both the MORE button and the active text will call up a completely separate document created with IDC. Click this or the MORE button to go to the document. To return to this page you must QUIT the document... -- Script link a Page advance "$Iexample:\ .tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance $Iexample:\example.tbk Windows level fieldformat Text rectangle links nextpage Launching Windows Applications Any Windows application can be launched from an interactive document. These are only a small number of examples. The active text could be anything and the launch could be triggered by a button. Launch NOTEPAD [The file opened will be the README.TXT supplied with this sampler.] Display the Windows Help File. Another Toolbook document using a separate instance of Toolbook..... -- Script link a Page advance "$Anotepad.exe sampler:\readme.txt" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance $Anotepad.exe sampler:\readme.txt -- Script link a Page advance "$Awindows:\winhelp.hlp" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance $Awindows:\winhelp.hlp -- Script link a Page advance "$Atoolbook:\tbook.exe .tbk" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance $Atoolbook:\tbook.exe toolbook:\pages.tbk Windows Developments nextpage Authoring What's happening in CBL? The Teaching and Learning Technology Programme is a nation-wide intitiative (1992-1995) aimed at producing and supporting the use of CBL materials in higher education. A number of departments in the University are involved in TLTP projects. CBL and Multimedia Support Unit This is TLTP-funded and provides advice and supports a range of projects in the University. points The Computer Based Learning Unit This unit was established at Leeds almost 25 years ago to investigate the potential of CBL. It's activities cover both research and developement. Current research is concerned with advanced knowledge-based learning systems. Development work is carried out in collaboration with external bodies or departments within the University.y. level Developments Authoring level points nextpage Authoring A different approach5 Aspects of design Interactive Document Compiler Formats Design and Production of CBL This converts marked-up text together with an index of resources (such as images and other applications) to create an 'interactive document'. This can be a hypertext document or a bank of MCQs or any kind of interactive activity which uses structured content. Structuring of content. Design of the presentation. Programming of the interaction. Specification of the control. This separates out aspects of the design and automates the production. This is approach is suitable for the mass production of commonly used styles. IDC uses the concept of a 'format' which combines presentation and interaction. There are several versions of IDC each with a set of formats. Each format requires the text input to be marked-up appropriately, but a single interactive document may use several formats. This is a multi-skilled activity. Authoring Hyperbook level fieldformat Text rectangle links nextpage University of Leeds THE HYPERBOOK FORMAT This page has been produced using the Hyperbook Format. As you will see in addition to displaying text there can be a picture. Also links to other parts of a document (or to other documents and applications) can be added. These links may be followed by clicking on one of the buttons that may appear at the bottom right or through active text like this. When you click the NEXT button you will see a more extended example.... -- Script link a Page advance "colours" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance colours --Template activating a Popup "OK" "$Shared$" showPopup buttonUp buttonUp $Shared$ showPopup Hyperbook Wharfedale Colours level fieldformat Text rectangle links Images Most of the images in this sampler have only 16 colours, like the picture shown here of the Great Hall at the University of Leeds. Quality would be improved if images with more colours had been used, but as yet not all systems are equipped to display a greater number of colours. For comparison a 256 colour version of the same picture is available... -- Script link a Page advance "More Colours" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance More Colours Frame Frame Frame :PHYSSIZE Colours More Colours Frame :PHYSSIZE Frame Frame level fieldformat Text rectangle The Great Hall, The University Of Leeds If this picture looks no better (or worse) than the one on the previous page then either your monitor is not capable of displaying an image with 256 colours or the display driver currently in use will only handle 16 colours.. University of Leeds level fieldformat Text rectangle links THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS This example contains information about the University of Leeds, about the City of Leeds and something about the region in which it is set..... -- Script link a Page advance "University" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance University -- Script link a Page advance "City" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance -- Script link a Page advance "Region" buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Region University of Leeds University University level fieldformat Text rectangle links The University Of Leeds Leeds is one of the largest and most successful universities in the country with a long-established international reputation for the high standard of its teaching and research. The University received its charter in 1904, but its origins lie in the nineteenth century... --Template activating a Popup "Origins" "$Shared$" showPopup buttonUp buttonUp Origins $Shared$ showPopup Frame Frame Frame :PHYSSIZE morepage Green Frame :PHYSSIZE Frame Frame fieldformat level The City Of Leeds Leeds is a prosperous, commercial, industrial and manufacturing city, and is also the cultural and sporting centre for much of the region. Impressive new shopping precincts complement traditional Victorian arcades and have created a fine regional shopping centre.. Text rectangle Green Frame :PHYSSIZE Frame Frame fieldformat level A Green City Leeds is a 'green' city, proud of its parks and open spaces including Woodhouse Moor, close to the University, Roundhay Park and the Temple Newsam estate.. Text rectangle Green Region nextpage Country Frame :PHYSSIZE Frame Frame fieldformat level Where Is It? Leeds lies in the heart of West Yorkshire close to the geographical centre of Britain. It has good motorway and rail connections to the rest of the country.. Text rectangle nextpage Pairs fieldformat Text rectangle level Matched Pairs The next example requires the learner to match items from one list with another. In this case there are exactly the same number of items in each list. A variation of this format would allow extra items in the "answer" list. This particular example is based on an Italian exercise used with a system called LUISA developed atthe University of Leeds by Brian Richardson and his colleagues.. Pairs level fieldformat Explanation shadowed nextpage the tail the fur the lair the trunk the tusk the whisker the paw la coda il pelo la tana la proboscide la zanna il baffo la zampa Combina la traduzione inglese con quella italiana Notice the links with some English words: "pelt" meaning the skin of an animal; "proboscis" a fancy word for trunk or similar appendage; and "coda" is a musical term (from the Italian) for a short piece at the end of a longer work. nextpage Stem and Branch fieldformat Text rectangle level Stem-and-branch Question This style of MCQ is widely used in the biological sciences and medicine. The example you will see is taken from a large bank of such questions in Pharmacology which has been used at Leeds in various forms for more than ten years. A section of the bank is supplied with this IDC Sampler as a separate system.. Stem and Branch nextpage sframe hydroxylation SFrame HidePicture dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss Hide Picture :PHYSSIZE sframe dismiss B"showPicture" dismiss dismiss showPicture Possible biotransformation pathways for amphetamine include dehalogenation dealkylation level deamination fieldformat methylation false false false MAO. No catechol groups thus COMT inactive. Look at functional groups. Phenyl ring hydroxylated. Nitrogen is dealkylated. Note that deamination is very slow because of the alkyl group on the alpha carbon of the sidechain. Explanation none Stem and Branch Test-Teach nextpage Scotland TEST-TEACH These are question-and-answer exercises which assume that the learner already has some knowledge, but is likely to make mistakes when answering questions. Exercises of this kind should be sufficiently difficult that some learners make mistakes. However, it is important that mistakes are recognised so that informational feedback can be given to help the learner recognise and overcome the error. First a simple exercise as an illustration.... fieldformat Text rectangle level Test-Teach Scotland nextpage Again Which is the largest city in Scotland? Correct(1) Glasgow aAllow(1) Anticipated(1) Glasgow Feedback(1) I think you mean have the right city, but you failed to spell it correctly. aAllow(2) Anticipated(2) Glasgow Feedback(2) I think you mentioned the the right city - just type it's name by itself. aAllow(3) Anticipated(3) Edinburgh Feedback(3) Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, but not its largest city. aAllow(4) Anticipated(4) Edinburgh Feedback(4) I think you mean Edinburgh. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, but not its largest city. aAllow(5) Anticipated(5) Aberdeen Feedback(5) Although the centre of Scotland's oil industry it is not the largest city. The largest city in Scotland (in terms of population) is Glasgow. The largest city in Scotland stands on the River Clyde and was once the centre of a large ship-building industry. nAnticipated nCorrect level Scotland Again More Colours Link IDC Again nextpage The Test-Teach format incorporates some simple matching algorithms which can tolerate different word order, allow extra words to be ignored and recognise an approximate spelling. The algorithms are not sophisticated, but could be improved if necessary. Although it cannot be tested with this example, the format will accept numerical answers within a specified range. If you would like to try the question again, click BACK... fieldformat Text rectangle level Presentation nextpage Introduction fieldformat level PRESENTATION What follows is a short presentation using a simple format. Such a presentation could be used in front of an audience with the screen image projected onto a large display.. Text rectangle Introduction level points nextpage Leeds Off-the-shelf software Write it yourself Buy in a programmer Collaborative development Departmental project Getting Started with CBL Expertise and experience already exists. It exists in this university. Talk to people who have learned important lessons. May well get the materials produced, but will you be able to maintain them and develop them as both educational requirements change and technology improves?9 Authoring of CBL materials is a complex task. It requires understanding of the subject matter, pedagogical insight, design expertise, an appreciation of the strengths and weakness of the technology and the ability to think like a programmer. This remains true even when using a powerful and sophisticated authoring system.m. In the end you will only be successful in using CBL materials if CBL is an integral part of your department's plan. There is an abundance of CBL materials. The CTI Centres for particular disciplines maintain catalogues of these materials. Will it adapt to you, or will you (and your students) have to adapt to it? ilable... Introduction Leeds level points nextpage Developments Biochemistry Languages PharmacologyW Microbiologyy Other Departments What is happening at Leeds? A small bank of MCQs has been developed using the same system as Pharmacology. In addition there are a number of exercises which use the commercial Question Mark system. For over ten years a bank of about 1500 interactive multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with explanations has been made available to students of Dentistry and Medicine as well as those on Pharmacology courses. To this has been added material from other sources as well as exercises which make use of spreadsheets. Both Russian and Italian have extensive software developed here at Leeds to support language learning such as vocabulary and grammar exercises. Physical Chemistry, English, Computer Studies, Engineering all make use of some CBL materials and there are many other departments that expect their students to use standard software. The Biological Sciences require all their students to be familiar with word processing and the use of spreadsheets. The CBL materials used in Biochemistry include simulations and diagnostic case studies. Most of this has been developed at Leeds. he sidechain. Leeds Illustrative Interactive Documents level Test-Teach Presentation Hyperbook Linking Multiple-choice Questions Test-Teach Exercises Presentation Hyperbook Linking Simple MCQ Pairs level fieldformat Text rectangle nextpage MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS The following sequence of pages illustrates some possible styles of multiple-choice question. As with all formats changes in colour, layout of the screen and details of the interaction could be changed to meet particular requirements.. nextpage Simple MCQ A Simple Multiple-choice Question In this question the learner has only one chance to pick the correct answer. This results in either confirmation of the answer or the correct answer being displayed. In either case a short explanation is given. There is an active phrase in the explanation which when clicked gives further information. This active phrase could have been a link to another page, another document or another application. Notice that the menu bar is not displayed for these pages.. fieldformat Text rectangle level Simple MCQ nextpage frame :PHYSSIZE frame frame In any interval of time which of the following is represented by the total area between the curve and the time axis? links distance travelled during the interval distance from starting point mean acceleration during the interval average speed over the interval maximum velocity reached during the interval If velocity is in metres per second and time in seconds then a unit of area which is one second by 1 metre per second will represent one metre, that is distance.. fieldformat --Template activating a Popup "area" "$Shared$" showPopup buttonUp buttonUp $Shared$ showPopup Explanation rectangle level selectedTextlines "Items" "Ans" wrong textlineCount( "Responses" Correct(i) "Option" B"Explain" "Right" "Explanation" B"Next" Answers -- used "AnsNos" Error "System Fault: Format Pairs" buttonUp Answers Correct buttonUp Items Items Responses Correct Responses Option Explain Explain Right Explanation Explain Explain Explain wrong Answers Items Correct Responses Responses Correct Correct AnsNos Error System Fault: Format Pairs Points initialized hidden recordfield c1,recordfield c2,recordfield c3,recordfield c4,recordfield c5, field Help "Help" buttonUp buttonUp CBL Unit, University of Leeds, v A 1.1 931202 Label MASTER for Points Prompt heading rightbuttonUp buttonUp rightbuttonUp buttonUp rightbuttonUp buttonUp LEFT mouse button moves to next point. RIGHT mouse button displays further information. RIGHT button + Control Key moves to next page. LEFT button + Control Key moves to previous page. CLICK TO HIDE $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS MCQ:S&B(I)Y !("N" "4#B$v$ %^'4+N/ initialized hidden button showpicture setup title,hidemenubar,setformat Label MASTER for MCQ:S&B(I)Y Branch1 Branch2 Branch3 Branch4 Explain "Tell1" " & i "Right" "Tick" & i "Cross" & i "branch" & i -- "Input" "Explanation" oneof(" xframe",hidden B"Next" buttonUp buttonUp Right Cross Right false branch Input Explanation group xframe hidden oneof xframe EXPLAIN Explanation textlineCount( "Correct") branches "Right" "Answers" dontknow i correct i incorrect i "Tell" & i incData " "Tick" & i "Cross" & i awrong",1 dontknow buttonUp correct incorrect buttonUp Correct Right Answers t~dontknow >correct incorrect branches dontknow Right %incData dontknow correct %incData right incorrect Cross %incData wrong Branch5 nextpage advance follow buttonUp buttonUp nextpage \$advance follow branches Input "Answers" clearButtons i "True,False,?" buttonUp clearButtons buttonUp Answers b*clearButtons clearButtons True,False,? U#$ 4 Input1 True1 False1 FALSE CANCEL Input2 True2 False2 FALSE CANCEL Input3 True3 False3 FALSE CANCEL Input4 True4 False4 FALSE CANCEL Input5 True5 False5 FALSE CANCEL Tell1 Tell1 Tick1 Cross1 Tick2 Cross2 Tick3 Cross3 Tick4 Cross4 Tick5 Cross5 Tell2 Tell2 Tell3 Tell3 Tell4 Tell4 Tell5 Tell5 Title 1993 Computer Based Learning Unit, The University of Leeds. A 2.1 9310251 Group Correct Right Answers XFrame Prompt ShowPicture "sframe" buttonUp buttonUp sframe Show Picture sframe dismiss B"showPicture" dismiss dismiss showPicture SFrame HidePicture dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss Hide Picture $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay 4+z- $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS MCQ:S&B(I)Y initialize "p" & i }l,s,c retreat > points "c" & "p" & fade f "p" & p "c" & p "p" & rightbuttonUp l,s,c nextpage advance "c" & sc + fc)/2 ttonUp initialize highlight rightbuttonUp buttonUp initialize buttonUp Cretreat points highlight highlight points 0,0,0 rightbuttonUp nextpage \$advance Test Teach initialize wrong "Response" initialize initialize wrong Response Response initialized cleared Feedback,Remark hidden recordfield Hint,recordfield Tell,button Next Label MASTER for Test Teach Prompt Question Response Remark Feedback 1993 Computer Based Learning Unit, The University of Leeds v1.0 9312022 nextpage advance follow buttonUp buttonUp nextpage \$advance follow $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS Test Teach initialize "Input" textlineCount( "Correct") branches x & i "b" & " & i "Right" clearButtons i "Tell" & i "Tick" & i "Cross" & i < 5 " & i "Answers" "Explanation" B"OK" B"Next" stringData(" "Group" initialize initialize Input Correct branch Correct Right ob*clearButtons Input Input Cross branch Input Cross Answers Explanation group stringData Group branches keyEnter checkResponse "Feedback" "Remark" responseCorrect( responseAnticipated( Incorrect unrecognised "Tell" B"Next" "Your answer incorrect." Wrong Unrecognised @was xanticipated." wrong /> 1 "Hint" /> 2 nCorrect match(t, ,cAllow(i) nAnticipated ,aAllow(i) Match t,a,m xIsNumber(t) a = t ( t <= n+e) ( t >= n-e) Spelling(a) RemoveExtra(t,a) Alphabet(a) "[" & m & "]" && t && "|" && a Reduce( (w) -- always leave "aeiouyh" (r) > 4 [(s) (s)-1 gi+1 IsBefore(n,t) gi+1 U s,t U(t) j(ls,lt) ns < nt ns > nt ls < lt checkResponse Incorrect Unrecognised Wrong keyChar Correct Match responseCorrect IsNumber RemoveExtra Spelling responseAnticipated Reduce Alphabet IsBefore keyChar EcheckResponse checkResponse Feedback Remark responseCorrect >Correct responseAnticipated Incorrect unrecognised Incorrect Your answer is incorrect. Remark Wrong Unrecognised Your answer was not anticipated. Remark Wrong Wrong wrong wrong wrong Correct Your answer is correct. Remark responseCorrect nCorrect Correct cAllow match responseAnticipated nAnticipated Anticipated aAllow match Feedback Feedback Match IsNumber Spelling Spelling RemoveExtra Alphabet Alphabet IsNumber RemoveExtra j:to1 Spelling Reduce Reduce aeiouyh Alphabet IsBefore i:to1 IsBefore HyperBook initialized hidden group Popup optionalbuttons continue nextpage,more morepage,also alsopage setup setformat,showmenubar Label MASTER for HyperBook PreviousPage retreat buttonUp buttonUp Cretreat Continue nextpage advance buttonUp buttonUp nextpage \$advance Computer Based Learning Unit The University of Leeds v A 1.1 93120155555555993 morepage advance buttonUp buttonUp morepage \$advance alsopage advance buttonUp buttonUp alsopage \$advance Prompt Popup dismiss dismiss dismiss Popup Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS Frame Rewind upLevel buttonUp buttonUp GupLevel $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Control$ $Shared$ "Documentation" enterpage leavepage enterpage Documentation leavepage Documentation Title: An IDC Sampler Copyright: Content 1993 Computer Based Learning Unit, The University of Leeds Date: 8th December 1993 Contents MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS A Simple Multiple-choice Question Matched Pairs Stem-and-branch Question TEST-TEACH PRESENTATION THE HYPERBOOK FORMAT Images The Great Hall, The University Of Leeds THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS The University Of Leeds The City Of Leeds A Green City Where Is It? Areas Of Natural Beauty A View Of Wharfedale From Beamsley Beacon LINKING TO OTHER DOCUMENTS AND APPLICATIONS Linking A Document Produced With IDC Launching Windows Applications Pages Test-Teach Presentation Hyperbook Colours More Colours University of Leeds University Green Region Country Wharfedale Linking Link IDC Windows One metre per second multipled by one second gives one metre: so area represents distance. If the interval of time was zero then the area would be zero so the area must represent distance travelled in the interval. Clicking active text or a button may bring up a window like this or take you to another page, or to another document. origins The University has grown out of the Yorkshire technical College and the Leeds Medical School, both of which were founded in the nineteenth century. asynchronous Windows applications are launched ASYNCHRONOUSLY. This means that the document from which the new application was launched retains no control and the document and the application co-exist independently. The user remains responsible for closing the application. MCQ Bank The Pharmacology MCQ Bank which in its entirety consists of about fifty documents is an example of such a system. A fragment of the bank is supplied with this sampler. $Title$ 4addressstack "$Shared$" -- documentation enterpage rightButtonUp enterpage addressstack rightButtonUp $Shared$ Title :PHYSSIZE Copyright Error 4allowexit sysSuspendMessages buttonUp buttonUp allowexit Created from c:\ken\idc\sampler\sampler.idc 23-Dec-1993 (11:21) using Interactive Document Compiler Version 1.36 An IDC Sampler Content 1993 Computer Based Learning Unit, The University of Leeds Designed and produced by Kenneth Tait 8th December 1993 Common $Common$ $Shared$ Presentation $Title$ $Standard$ Random Standard (SVGA) System ntury Gothic $ showCaption Small Fonts Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman System Times New Roman ntury Gothic Times New Roman Times New Roman ntury Gothic Terminal ExitPassword IDC Sampler pagelist(0) MCQ,Menu Times New Roman MS Serif notes false scores false anchorstyle underline Times New Roman Times New Roman in,Scotland,Test-Teach,Stem and Branch,MCQ3,Pairs,MCQ2,Simple MCQ,MCQ1,MCQ,Menu Times New Roman mes New Roman Times New Roman MCQ3,Pairs,MCQ2,Simple MCQ,MCQ1,MCQ,Menu MS Sans Serif Arial Times New Roman Terminal Terminal Terminal qxAbEA MS Sans Serif System MS Sans Serif Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman SjoNqyA ouPxAKe IDCpassword Link IDC,Linking,Wharfedale,Country,Region,Green,City,University,University of Leeds,More Colours,Colours,Hyperbook,Authoring,Developments,Leeds,Introduction,Presentation,Again,Scotland,Test-Teach,Stem and Branch,MCQ3,Pairs,MCQ2,Simple MCQ,MCQ1,MCQ,Menu Windows,Link IDC,Linking,Wharfedale,Country,Region,Green,City,University,University of Leeds,More Colours,Colours,Hyperbook,Authoring,Developments,Leeds,Introduction,Presentation,Again,Scotland,Test-Teach,Stem and Branch,MCQ3,Pairs,MCQ2,Simple MCQ,MCQ1,MCQ,Menu ity,University of Leeds,More Colours,Colours,Hyperbook,Authoring,Developments,Leeds,Introduction,Presentation,Again,Scotland,Test-Teach,Stem and Branch,MCQ3,Pairs,MCQ2,Simple MCQ,MCQ1,MCQ,Menu -- Script compiled 4addressstack path( "COMM136.TBK" p & b linkDLL "tbkfile.dll" INT fileExists(STRING) Request "The 8" && b && " xpresent directory" && p & "." sysSuspendMessages unLinkDLL " setupBook ~("\",f) -- Optional handlers ... title "$Title$" randomtext rf -- recordfields rf are randomized synchronously textlineCount( hidemenubar setformat fieldformat showmenubar rBook randomtext hidemenubar title setformat enterBook showmenubar enterBook COMM136.TBK tbkfile.dll fileExists fileExists The book is not present in directory tbkfile.dll setupBook addressstack title title $Title$ Title randomtext hidemenubar setformat fieldformat showmenubar $Common$ 4compiled,usebookmarks,addressstack disable "Contents,Notes,CopyText,Visited" 2List marked ,Mark ,Unmark anchorstyle "boxed, ShowLinks" help Help" leavebackGround "Documentation" enable " ackground enterBackground leavebackGround enterBackground x%disable Contents,Notes,CopyText,Visited x%disable List marked pages,Mark this page,Unmark this page anchorstyle boxed,invert x%disable ShowLinks x%disable compiled usebookmarks addressstack leavebackGround Documentation enable Contents,Notes,CopyText,Visited enable List marked pages,Mark this page,Unmark this page anchorstyle boxed,invert enable ShowLinks enable compiled usebookmarks Computer Based Learning Unit The University of Leeds Credits Documentation Start firstpage advance buttonUp buttonUp firstpage \$advance START firstpage intro initialized setup showmenubar Label MASTER for Menu Prompt Destinations Preamble Click one of the options. Use the LEFT mouse button. 1993 Computer Based Learning Unit, The University of Leeds v1.0 9312082 selectedTextlines "Destinations" advance buttonUp buttonUp Destinations \$advance $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS Points le MCQ initialized optionalfields Active links optionalbuttons showlinks hiddenlinks setup hidemenubar,setformat,randomtext "Options,Correct" cleared Feedback hidden recordfield Explanation,button Next,group Popup Label MASTER for MCQple MCQ Prompt Question Options "Explanation" selectedTextlines "Correct" textlineCount( "Options" "The correct answer " && a & "." "That's "Feedback" B"Next" buttonUp buttonUp Explanation Correct Correct Correct Options The correct answer is That's right. Feedback Explanation Correct Explanation Feedback nextpage advance follow buttonUp buttonUp nextpage \$advance follow Computer Based Learning Unit The University of Leeds v B 1.0 931201 Click on one of these... ShowLinks showlinks buttonUp buttonUp showlinks SHOW LINKS Active Click words which are underlined for more information. Popup dismiss dismiss dismiss Popup Dismiss Dismiss buttonUp buttonUp FDismiss DISMISS frame $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS HyperBook $Compile$ Classification initialized cleared Responses,Picked shown button OK hidden recordfield Explanation,field Option,field Right,button Explain,button Next setup hidemenubar,setformat,randomtext "Items,Correct",randomtext "Ans,AnsNos" Responses buttonUp buttonUp Label MASTER for Classification Prompt "Option" B"Explain" selectedTextLines "Picked" Prompt "Select "Responses" buttonUp buttonUp Option Explain Picked 'Prompt Select an item first. Responses Responses Items "Picked" selectedTextlines buttonUp buttonUp Picked Picked Option You may change your choices or click on NOTES to see the correct answers and some help or hints..xplanation. Right All your answers are correct. Click on NOTES for help or hints..n. Instructions Choose first from here ........... Computer Based Learning Unit The University of Leeds v A 2.1 931201 Explain Answers B"OK" "Explanation" B"Next" B"OK" buttonUp buttonUp oEMAnswers Explanation NOTES nextpage advance follow buttonUp buttonUp nextpage \$advance follow ... and then from here. Click OK when you would like your answers checked. Explanation Correct AnsNos Picked $Pages$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the page you wish to seeplayyyyyy $Pages$ selectedTextlines advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Contents$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the name of the section that you wish to go toay $Contents$ selectedTextlines "Pages" "$Shared$" advance buttonUp buttonUp Pages $Shared$ \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS $Help$ dismiss dismiss buttonUp dismiss buttonUp background 0bringToFront foreground Click on the kind of help you require go tooooooooooooooooooooooooo $Help$ selectedTextlines help advance buttonUp buttonUp \$advance Dismiss dismiss buttonUp buttonUp Fdismiss DISMISS Classification X4X48 #$%W# #k$&$;$I$ $g$ s(N q( #q &# %E U% #[ U% 'B i'' "3. 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